I have always considered self-care to be an essential part of life by replenishing my mind, body, and soul. Willow Enchanted was born out of my love for indulgent bath rituals. I found when crafting combinations of essential oils, flowers, salts, and crystals infused with specific lunar phase energy that it really resonated with my soul. For years, I have gifted my family and friends special bath soaks designed for them. Now you have the opportunity to experience one of my speciality lunar blends and create your own magical self-care ritual!

  • What makes a Willow Enchanted blend special?

    Over the years I have gained knowledge in the fields of herbology, aromatherapy, and folk lore. I have carefully planned each element that is combined to create a speciality blend. Each crafted blend starts with quality ingredients, a mix of both natural and organic. Next, every blend is small batch crafted for quality and purity. Finally, my blends have been soaked by the moonlight during a specific phase.

  • 8 Stages of the lunar cycle

    New Moon- fresh start, ideal for mediatation, and great time to make decisions.

    Waxing Crescent- time to set those intentions and goals.

    First Quarter - continued self-care while focusing on intentions and goals set.

    Waxing Gibbous- time to edit or make adjustments to intentions and goals.

    Full Moon- time to harvest.

    Waning Gibbous - time to relax and start to connect.

    Last Quarter - time of release both mentally and physically.

    Waning Crescent- time of surrender and/or reflection.